Bored at Home? Five Fun Things to Do as a Couple

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Being stuck at home can be a great time. 



This year, many of you are likely spending more time at home than you did last year. It’s easy to get a little stir-crazy and want a change of pace, but it’s also important to keep yourself and your family healthy and safe. If you and your partner are stuck at home and not sure what to do, check out these five great ideas for in-home fun as a couple. 



1. Have a Game Night 

When was the last time you and your partner played a board game or card game together? Maybe it’s been awhile. Playing games together as a couple is a great way to bond and enjoy time at home.


Whether it’s Monopoly, Yahtzee, poker, or something else, games liven up home time and create a connection point between you and your partner. If you don’t own games, grab one online that sounds fun. There are virtually endless game options of many different styles to choose from!


Additionally, if you and your partner prefer playing video games together, this is a great option as well. Spending an evening playing Mario Kart with your favorite person is hard to argue with (though you should probably avoid using that blue or red shell on the love of your life)!


If you prefer games that involve conversation, find one that will give you and your partner an opportunity to get to know each other better. You can even create a list of questions to ask each other and make a game out of asking them. This is a great way to find things out about your partner that you never knew – you may be amazed by what you learn.


Whatever you and your special person love to play most, bring it out for a couple’s game night. Have the munchies? Make some favorite snacks together to enjoy while playing (see idea 2)!



2. Make a Snack Board 

Heard of a Charcuterie board? If not, picture an appetizing platter of cheeses, meats, fruit, nuts and other delicacies with wine on the side. Charcuterie boards can be delicious, but they are also often pricey. If you are looking for a more budget-friendly option, try putting together your own snack board, made from you and your partner’s favorite foods!


Start by making a list with your partner of five favorite snacks for you both. Whether you love pickles, pineapple, pretzels, or something else, it can fit on the board! If any of you and your partner’s favorite snacks require prep, try finding a new recipe online and make the snack in a new way. This is a fun challenge for you and your person to try, and it will leave you with a new recipe to make in the future.


a watercolor painting of a house turn your photo into art canvas


Make a quick trip to the grocery store and come back with the goods. Next, pull out a piece of paper – you’re about to make a snack board blueprint. Have the most artistic between you and your partner draw up a plan for how the board will look. You can be as detailed or scribbly as you want. The blueprint helps make the board turn out looking great with all the goodies fitting on it. 


Now that you have your blueprint, start arranging! You and your partner can get creative and enjoy the process of putting the board together. Eating everything in the end might seem like the best part but having a fun project with your partner can’t be beat. 


Commemorate your completed snack board with a picture – it’s worth remembering! Now you can enjoy the snacks together with a movie, games, or just conversation. Whatever you choose, a snack board can make for a great night together as a couple. 



3. Have an Art Night 

You and your partner might be the most creative couple among your friends – but maybe not. Maybe you throw pottery together, paint, draw and decorate like champions. Or, maybe you both just make little stick figure doodles. Whatever the case may be, there’s a little bit of an artist in each of us.


how to turn a picture into a painting


If you and your partner are looking for a fun way to spend a night at home together, an art night is a great way to go. Open a bottle of wine, get some art supplies out, and go at it. You can draw, paint, color, even make silly Play-Doh sculptures – having fun together is what matters. 


If you’re not sure what to create, you can find some great art prompts online, or make a prompt yourself. You can even have your partner challenge you to create something and do the same for them. This is a great way to connect as a couple and will definitely bring lots of laughs. Again, the point isn’t to make a masterpiece. It’s all about enjoying time at home with your partner. If you’re proud of your work, hang it on your wall! Colorful art can change the feel of a room and make it come to life. 



4. Tidy Up your House Together 

At first glance, reorganizing might not sound like a great night at home. However, you may be surprised by how much fun you and your partner can have working on a project at home together.


Neatness and tidiness are something most of us can use a little more of. Straightening things up and getting them in order can make for a clearer headspace and more peace of mind. In addition, turning chores into a date night is a great way to make something you might not enjoy, fun.


Put some of you and your partner’s favorite music on and take on the project together. 


Here are some great ways to start:



If you are still unsure where to start with tidying up your house, you can find some great ideas for neatness and organization online (and if you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo, you are about to go deep down a rabbit hole!). Pinterest is your best friend when it comes to home improvement ideas. 



5. Look at Old Photos and Videos Together

There’s nothing quite like getting a little sentimental with your partner. Chances are it’s maybe been quite a while since you took a look at the memories you have made together over the years.


Reminiscing and looking back on how far you and your partner have come is a great way to connect more deeply. You’ll both remember stories and moments from your relationship that you may have forgotten. The two of you may find yourselves staying up late into the night telling stories from your time together as old photos and videos bring them to mind.



When you have extra time at home, it’s worth taking advantage of it. Life often moves so fast that there isn’t much time to sit with the person you love the most and look back on the journey. Making time is always worth it, though.


If you and your partner have been together for a while, you may have old home videos to dig up out of your attic or closet. Or, you might have years of photo albums to look through. This makes it even more fun. Even as you make new memories as a couple, looking back on the old ones makes for a night well spent. If you want, you can even put some of the photos on the wall instead of keeping them stowed away.


Take advantage of the extra time you and your partner have to spend at home! These ideas can give you both ways to spend quality time together even without going out. 


Remember, just being together is always more than enough!



