5 Memorable Gifts and Activities to Bring to Thanksgiving Dinner

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Thanksgiving dinner

Every year, on the fourth Thursday in November, families across the United States come together to prepare a nourishing meal, reflect on what they are grateful for, and spend quality time with each other.

Thanksgiving is truly one of the most special days of the year, and the traditions and memories that arise from gathering around a table laden with delicious stuffing, turkey, cranberry sauce, and more are cherished for years to come.

To celebrate family and the spirit of gratitude, we at Paint Your Life would like to introduce you to a unique, memorable, and personalized gift idea to bring to Thanksgiving dinner this year…

A Custom-Painted Family Portrait

family portrait painted from a photo

Commemorate the love between grandparents, parents, children, and siblings, and give your family the gift of a lifetime.

Paint Your Life provides the opportunity to commission a talented artist to create a custom-painted, handmade family portrait using a photo you provide.

Seeing the smiles and joy on the faces of your loved ones once you present this surprise gift will be invaluable.

Whether you end up mounting it in your grandparents’ living room or placing it in your own dining room for your immediate family to see and enjoy on a daily basis, you can’t go wrong with a gift like this.

Submit your order now!

In addition to this meaningful and original gift, here are a few more of our favorite activities and decoration ideas to bring to the table this year…

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

I am grateful for

From the food on our tables and the flowers outside our front door to our favorite music and the people who bring joy to our hearts each and every day, there’s a lot to be grateful for.

Bring the family together for a reflective, gratitude-based activity by organizing a Thanksgiving-themed scavenger hunt.

Give each participating family member a specific prompt, such as “find something you are grateful for that makes a beautiful noise” or “find something you are grateful for that is a beautiful color/design.”

Then have everyone present their findings over the Thanksgiving meal.

This is the perfect way to create a meaningful dialogue and help your family give thanks for a range of things, big or small.

Thanksgiving Guest Book

Thanksgiving Guest Book

Guest books don’t have to be limited to hotels and weddings.

Thanksgiving is a perfect occasion to gather messages and reflections from a range of family members that you can all enjoy looking back on in future years.

Consider bringing a blank guest book with a tastefully decorated or customized cover to this year’s Thanksgiving gathering.

Be sure to find a table where the book and pen can remain throughout the day.

Word of advice: Keep your guest book away from the kitchen, unless you want gravy stains or pumpkin pie crumbs to find their way into the book along with the handwritten messages.

Invite family members and other guests to write reflections and messages of gratitude in the book, which can be used continually through the years as a family tradition.

Imagine having the opportunity to look back and read what your grandfather wrote at his last Thanksgiving before he passed away or what your daughter wrote when she was in elementary school.

Thanksgiving Banner

Thanksgiving Banner

A little festive decor can greatly enhance the Thanksgiving experience for everyone—and a DIY banner to hang in the living room or dining room is a fun craft you can contribute to the spirit of the gathering.

Head to the store to pick up a range of craft supplies (such as glitter, stickers, markers, ribbon, and colored paper), and take some time to sort through your collection of family photos.

Cut out letters for your banner that spell out the message of your choice…whether it is “Give Thanks” or a simple “Gratitude.”

Decorate the letters with your art supplies and/or photos, and attach them to a durable ribbon that can be hung on the wall.

If you aren’t hosting the actual Thanksgiving meal, be sure to arrive early at your host’s house to find the perfect spot to hang this heartwarming decoration.

Family Recipe Book

Family Recipe Book

You know the drill.

Every year, you call up your great aunt to ask her to yet again repeat the recipe for her delicious pumpkin pie.

Or you find yourself repeatedly sorting through that endless stack of papers in your kitchen drawer to find the piece of notebook paper with your dad’s famous roasted brussels sprouts recipe.

Maybe this year is the year to finally create a family Thanksgiving recipe book.

This book will come in handy for yourself and others for years to come, and it is an easy way to ensure the younger generation continues the culinary traditions within your family.

Spend weeks leading up to Thanksgiving collecting treasured recipes from family members, and compile them in a book that you either make by hand (with Xeroxed copies) or compile online.

Print copies for everyone, and give them out at Thanksgiving as a surprise gift.

Speaking of a surprise gift, don’t hesitate to order your very own custom family portrait from Paint Your Life before your 40% discount expires!

Submit your order now!

From the painted portrait and the gratitude scavenger hunt to the family recipe book and the Thanksgiving banner, there are a lot of fantastic ways to enhance your Thanksgiving gathering this year.

From all of us at Paint Your Life, we wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving!
