Three Family Costume Ideas You Can Remember Forever

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Getting ready to dress up for Halloween as a family? These costume ideas are sure to inspire you! 

Who doesn’t love Halloween? It’s a great time to celebrate the fall season with your family and friends. Taking your kids trick-or-treating is always a blast, and fun for the whole neighborhood. Enjoying cider and donuts at a local cider mill or going on a hayride make the Halloween season even better. As do bobbing for apples, watching scary movies, decorating your house as a family, and much, much more – the list goes on and on! 

So why not go all-out as a family this Halloween and dress up together? It’s a fantastic way to enjoy time together and make a memory worth cherishing. But dressing up as a group is a bit more involved than just a solo effort. Creatively coordinating takes some planning and effort from the whole family, but it’s so worth it! 



So, get together with your family and start planning. Figure out what each family member loves most about Halloween, and their favorite costumes from years past. When you’re making plans for family costumes, it’s great to get input from family members old and young. Make sure to include your kids in the discussion and get their ideas! Kids are the most imaginative and creative of us all and are bound to bring some unique and creative costume ideas to the table.  

Discuss favorite movies, books, bands, colors, foods, and celebrities with your family. This is a great starting point for building a family costume plan, and as a bonus, it helps you get to know your family better! The best part of Halloween is spending time celebrating with family, and it’s the perfect time to find out what each family member enjoys most in life – all of this valuable information can contribute to a fantastic family costume idea.

Now, without further ado, here are three family costume ideas you can remember forever:


1. Dress Up As Your Favorite Superheroes 

Does your family tune in every time a new superhero movie comes out? Did you read mountains of comic books growing up? Are your kids always pretending to be Iron Man, Wonder Woman, The Hulk, and Wolverine? If so, this idea is for you and your family!

Start by sitting your family down and going around the table to find out who everyone’s favorite superhero is. Maybe your kids are big Batman fans. Maybe you all love The Incredibles. Whoever your family favorite is–this is your go-to costume!

Once you know who everyone’s favorite character is, go online and start the hunt for the perfect costume. If you’re feeling creative, you and your family can even make your own costumes. Homemade superhero outfits are always charming, and the whole family posing in their self-assembled costumes makes for a memorable picture.


If you’re on a tight budget and don’t have a lot of extra funds for a fancy costume, fear not. You can always get a little silly and invent your own superheroes as a family. This way, household items can become your hero’s secret weapon, or even be part of a costume. With a little imagination, the toaster turns into your hero’s robot sidekick, and your favorite blanket becomes a cape. This is a great reminder to you and your kids that it’s not about a fancy, elaborate costume – it’s about making memories with your loved ones and enjoying the season! 

So, get the family together and start assembling your outfits. Go out for Halloween as your favorite heroes, or, if you want to get creative, invent your own superhero squad! Don’t forget to come up with a catchy name! 


2. Go Trick-Or-Treating As Your Favorite Foods 

Everyone loves some good food. Show some love to your favorite thing to eat by dressing as it for Halloween! This is fun for the whole family, and easy to do on a budget with a little creativity. It also allows all the family members to express themselves and represent the chow they love most. 

Dressing up as food leaves room for endless creativity and imagination. Plus, if you choose to create your own costumes, the craft store is your best friend. You can make a spaghetti and meatballs costume by sticking felt and yarn to a red sweater. If you have a sweet tooth, dress up as ice cream by coloring and cutting up some cardboard. If you’d rather show your love for veggies, all orange and a big green hat makes you a great carrot! 

If you are willing to invest a bit in your family’s food costumes, an abundance of excellent options are available online. Dressing up the whole team as favorite foods is a great way to bond, learn more about each other, and have some laughs along the way.


3. Be Astronauts and Build Your Own Spaceship! 

Sometimes, it’s best to just go all-out as a family. Some costume ideas are more extravagant, but they end up looking amazing and getting smiles and laughs out of the whole neighborhood.

Why astronauts? They’re awesome – they work as a team (like a family), they travel through space, and their outfits make great costumes. When you’re looking for a creative, above-and-beyond costume idea for your family, look no further than our heroes of space!

This costume idea may take a little bit more effort, but the payoff is a sight to see. You may be thinking, “How in the world am I going to build a spaceship?” It’s easier than you think. All you need is cardboard, art supplies, and a creative crew. Get your family together once you have your materials and let everyone help out with the construction process. 

A do-it-yourself spaceship can be big or small. If you want to get really creative, you can take a big cardboard box and outfit it with handles and decorations, so that you and your family can fit inside and walk it around the neighborhood! 


For astronaut costumes, your local party store or the internet can come in handy. These are tough to make on your own because of the futuristic look of a spacesuit, but with time and effort it can be done! You can cut holes in a small cardboard box, wrap it in tinfoil and wear it as a spacesuit. You can even do the same to create a helmet. However, if you and your partner have kids, it may be easier to bite the bullet and pick up some costume pieces to make your astronaut crew really come to life!

If your family are fans of UFOs, aliens and sci-fi, you can take this costume idea in a different direction. DIY alien costumes can be crazy and goofy if you want, making use of googly eyes, springs, and wild colors. This gives each family member an opportunity to make a costume based on what they imagine aliens would look like. Your space crew will be eye-catching as you zoom through the neighborhood with a homemade spaceship. Make sure to let the neighbors know that you come in peace when you knock on the door for candy!

Whatever costume idea you pick, you’re bound to have a great time dressing up together. Halloween only comes around once a year, so it’s best to go all-out and enjoy it as much as possible! Here at Paint Your Life, we wish you a happy, healthy and fun-filled fall season!


