6 Personalized Office Gifts Anyone Will Love

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At Paint Your Life, we believe It’s always a good idea to show up at your workplace in good spirits, bringing your best attitude and kind words for your coworkers. Sometimes, though, you just want to go a little above and beyond for the folks at your office. When you’re feeling especially generous, these personalized office gift ideas are sure to make your coworkers’ days a little brighter!



1. Get Everyone Matching Shirts

If you work in an office, sometimes it’s tough to feel that sense of team spirit. Everyone’s often doing their own thing in their cubicles, working on individual projects until the next team meeting or conference comes around. However, this means that even the smallest gestures can go a long way in boosting your coworkers’ morale. 


Chances are, if you’re working in an office you and your team probably don’t have a whole lot of gear to wear when you want to represent the company. You might have a uniform to wear but having something a little more casual and fun to show you’re proud of your work is always great. So, go online and customize some t-shirts for you and your coworkers!


If you’re not the most creative person on the team, make the gift a collaborative effort! Find someone at the office who loves anything artistic, recruit them to help you with the t-shirt design. Since this gift idea is a little bit pricier, you can even collaborate with multiple coworkers to surprise your friends with some creative, company-themed garb – this will give you that much-needed team spirit, and definitely calls for a staff photoshoot!



2. Customized Coffee Mugs 

Who doesn’t love coffee? Taking a quick break for a good drink during the workday is often the perfect boost to get you through until you’re off. If you’re more of a tea person, this makes the perfect alternative for a mellower, more peaceful afternoon pick-me-up. 



If your coworkers love coffee (or tea), make them some customized mugs to sip from at the office. Whether you get each person a special mug with his or name on it, or go for something sillier, it’s bound to make everyone’s day!


When customizing mugs online, you can get just as creative as when making a t-shirt. Again, if crafty, artistic projects aren’t your thing, this is a great opportunity to recruit some of your coworkers to give you a hand. If you want to make mugs that are guaranteed to get a laugh from everyone, you can print a memorable quote from each of your coworkers on their mug. This is the perfect way to recognize and honor your coworkers’ quirks and funny moments in a way that everyone will enjoy!



3. Frame a Funny Staff Photo

If you’re working in an office, you’ve probably had a hard time feeling comfortable at your desk at times. The office environment presents unique challenges to everyone, and one of these is creating a space that encourages comfort, productivity and contentment. One of the best ways to help make the office feel more like home is to add something personal to your desk! 


Many of your coworkers might not have put much effort into decorating their desks, just because things often get a little too hectic and busy to remember to decorate. So, help them along by giving them a funny photo of the staff to display on their desks!


Sometimes the best pick-me-up during a long workday is a little laughter. If you can get all of your coworkers together and take a silly photo, this is the perfect place to start. If you work with a small team and can all fit in a selfie, this is perfect; your gift doesn’t have to be fancy! Building relationships with your coworkers and letting them know you care about them can be as simple as a gesture like this. 



4. Make a Snack Basket 

This gift idea welcomes input from everyone in the office to create a tasty combination of snacks for everybody to enjoy! Start by making a poll and posting it somewhere in the office. Label it, “What’s your favorite snack food?” Keep it posted until you see it fill up with answers, and then you’re ready to get started making your snack baskets. Take the top answers for your coworkers’ favorite snacks and compile them into baskets for each of the members of the staff.


 cat canvas painting


This idea makes everyone feel included, and also gives each coworker a chance to try each other’s favorite snack foods. Food is always a great option when giving gifts, since it’s one of the few things in life that you can be sure everyone will enjoy. You don’t have to break your bank for this gift idea either, since snack foods tend to be cheap!


If you want, you can even host a party at the office where everyone hangs out and shares snacks together after the baskets are given. This is a great way to spend quality time with your coworkers and to enjoy some good food together after a long day at the office. Because of the hectic nature of work life, months and even years can pass without a staff hangout or party. So, make the move and get everyone together at the office for some snacks!



5. Write a Handwritten Note for Each Coworker 

If you’re looking for a way to personally acknowledge your coworkers, you don’t have to spend tons of money. All it takes some thoughtfulness and a little effort. Sometimes there’s nothing more meaningful than a personal, handwritten note. Think about the best qualities in each of your coworkers, the things you appreciate most about them. Let them know in the note you write!


You can pick out some great cards from a local store, or just make your own out of construction paper. 


Set aside a quiet day off to write your notes, then deliver them to each coworker when you’re done. You’ll be amazed by how meaningful this give will be!



6. Make Everyone Their Favorite Drink

This is another great way to surprise your coworkers with something tasty to enjoy. Just like with snack baskets, start with a poll in the office to find out what your coworkers love to drink most – just make sure they sign their names on their answers!


Once you know what your coworkers’ favorite drinks are, host an after-hours party and make them for them! This gift gives you another opportunity to spend time with your coworkers and enjoy getting to know them better! Plus, who doesn’t love a good drink?


Bonding over food and drinks with your coworkers is sure to make your office relationships stronger and is sometimes even more meaningful than a less relational gift. It still gives you the chance to be generous and kind to your coworkers, but you can also get to know more about them as people. In the end, this will mean even more than leaving a nice gift on their desk! 



If you’re looking for great ways to show your coworkers that you care about them, these ideas will get you off to a great start! Don’t be afraid to get a little creative and think outside of the box, taking these ideas wherever you want! Just remember to keep things personal and treat your coworkers like they matter every day!






