4 Family Room Ideas That Scream Comfort and Happiness

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Everyone needs a home base – a place to crash at the end of the day where you feel relaxed, at peace, and at home. When you walk in the door after a long day, you want to enter a space that is welcoming and comforting. You need a place where you feel happy.



If you don’t have a place like this yet, it’s time to make one in your home! The best place to build a comfortable and happy place for you and your family is, of course, the family room. Whether you have an abundance of space, or are in a cozier, smaller home, you can make a fantastic space for you and your family to enjoy time together. Read on for some inspiring ideas that will get you started on turning your family room into your happy place!



1. Decorate the Walls with Personalized Art 

When you’re at home, you want to feel that spark that makes your family special. It’s the memories, the companionship, and the unconditional love that you find only with family. What if you could capture this feeling and hang it on your wall? Thanks to Paint Your Life, you can!


Paint Your Life meets all your personalized home décor needs by turning your family memories into masterpieces. Paint Your Life’s talented team of artists works in numerous mediums, including oil, acrylic, watercolor, and more. Start with a photo of you and your family together, then pick a medium of your choice.


custom painting of a french boxer made in oil


When it comes to decorating your living room, you have the freedom to go whatever direction you want! If your aim is comfort and coziness, watercolor paintings are a great option – they’ll keep your walls full of eye-catching hues. For a more classic, minimal look, frame a charcoal drawing of your family in a wooden frame – this style complements a sparser decorative style with the contrast of black, white and wood.


Of course, at the end of the day it’s up to you how you make the most of what Paint Your Life has to offer. You can even have your pet’s portrait painted to hang over your fireplace! Pets, after all, are valuable members of the family – and they deserve an honorable spot on the wall in the family room.


Once you’ve added some personalized art to your living room walls, it’s time to fill the rest of the space with more meaningful decorations! Read on for more ideas.



2. Storing Old Photos? Use Them For Decoration! 

You might have boxes of family photos stored in your closet or attic that haven’t been looked at in years. These precious memories of time spent with family are the perfect decorations for your living room walls! Seeing photos from years past on the wall keeps you in touch with what makes family so special.


In addition, framing and hanging photos is a fun way to spend an afternoon with your family. As a project, get everyone together and decorate the family room with old photos! Chances are, you have hundreds of photos to choose from, and getting your whole family together to pick out favorite pictures is a great way to reminisce and spend time together.


Personalized oil artwork of a father with two kids


When you’ve chosen favorite photos with your family, there’s still even more freedom to choose how you decorate. You can pick unique frames made from different materials – some even have meaningful messages written on them. Additionally, frames come in many different styles, with some holding numerous photos in unique arrangements. 


You can also build your own photo collage using cork or poster board and push pins. This adds a crafty, do-it-yourself element to your home décor, and allows you to masterfully arrange your family photos in any way you like best. Photo collages are simple and fun to make, and easy to display. Plus, a collage is often cheaper to make than the cost of individual frames for each photo. 


No matter what you choose to do with your old family photos, they’re always worth keeping. They carry irreplaceable memories that you’ll always cherish. This is what makes them the perfect wall decorations – they’re significant, personal, and unique to you!



3. Frame Posters for Your Family’s Favorite Music and Movies

This idea adds a little pop culture flair to your family room. If your family loves to enjoy movies, music or both together, make a space on the wall to commemorate some of your favorites! 


There are numerous directions you can take this idea. When you’re looking for a timeless, artful decorative style, decorating with a framed poster for a classic movie is a great move. This keeps the art on your wall tasteful and cohesive with the rest of the room. Or, if your family is more geared towards music, framed concert posters from decades past make an artful addition to your living room wall. 


In addition, if you have a record collection, you’re holding a wealth of decorative potential! Records can be framed or mounted on your wall to add a creative flair to your living room. When you’re looking for unique ways to express yourself with your living room décor, your old records are the perfect option! 


If you don’t have your own record collection, check with your parents or even your grandparents – chances are, someone in your family has some great-looking records that you can snag to decorate your wall. Records are often left behind in an attic or closet for years, waiting to be used and appreciated again.



4. Make Your Own Art!

If you’re feeling extra creative, you can make your own piece of wall art! Sometimes the best and most meaningful pieces of home décor are the ones handmade by you or your family. Whether it’s an abstract painting or a framed pencil portrait of your family together, art that you make yourself adds a completely unique element to your living room’s decorative style.


If you’re not the most artistically gifted person around, you can always outsource the creative work to friends and family! If there’s a talented artist in your life, commission an original piece of art from them to hang on your living room wall.


Commissioning art is a fantastic way to support your creative friends and to keep the art on your wall personally meaningful to you. The best artwork isn’t always the most expensive – sometimes what matters more is the person who made it! 


If you have a creative friend or family member who makes their own art, commissioning art from them will make their day! Any time they see it hanging on your wall, they’ll feel honored and affirmed in their artistry. Making a space on your wall for the artists in your life is always a worthwhile investment!



Now that you have some great ideas for decorating your family room, it’s time to weigh your options and get started! Whether your style is minimalistic, eclectic and colorful, or anywhere in between, there are ample ways to express yourself with your living room décor.


Get creative and take advantage of the resources that are already at your disposal when decorating your living room. You don’t have to spend tons of money on art and decorations to make a great space – just invest in what means the most to you and you’ll end up happier and more fulfilled! There’s nothing better than looking around a room and feeling like it represents you and your family perfectly.





